Helping journalists, producers and conference planners find the female guests, speakers and expert sources they need.
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Women are half the population, so when they are quoted less than a third of the time, it has consequences -- for public conversations, public policies and public spending.
We're measuring the ratio of women to men quoted in online news coverage across some of Canada's most influential national news media. The graphs display the most recent week's data with a 3-day delay.

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Ratio of men and women sources by news outlet

Aggregate ratio of men and women sources

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The line graph represents a comparison in the frequency of quotes by women used by media outlets over time. It automatically updates when a specific date range is selected.

Percentage of Women Quoted in Canadian Online News Media

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Representation matters

The focus of some news stories dictates who must be quoted - the government minister or CEO making the announcement, the person accused or victimized by a crime. But when journalists consider who to ask to provide context or analysis around an issue or an event, they overwhelmingly choose men as spokespersons. Women are half the population, it's time to call on them.

Some media outlets know that leveraging data collected in real time is the best way to effect change. TVO, the BBC, Bloomberg and others have been actively tracking source diversity for years, enriching their stories and increasing audience engagement in the process.

Have your say

Let news outlets know you're paying attention, and remind them that diverse sources are a hallmark of quality journalism. Encourage them to track the gender of their sources for more democratic conversations by signing our #DiversifyYourSources pledge.
Tag them on social media or contact them directly.

Journalists, we've made it easier for you

Diverse, qualified sources who are ready to say "yes" to interview requests are readily available to reach directly through the Informed Opinions database. Visit and bookmark it now to increase your ability to more effectively reflect the insights of all Canadians.

Interested in a deeper dive?

Dr. Maite Taboada and her Simon Fraser University colleagues have enhanced the Gender Gap Tracker's capacity to analyze news trends to display that and other trends. Visit the SFU Discourse Processing Lab here to learn more.

Are you a researcher interested in the data? We'd be delighted to share with you. Fill out this form and we'll be in touch.

Click here to learn more about the methodology behind the Gender Gap Tracker.

Simon Fraser University's commitment to supporting research for good is making it easier for equity advocates to promote change, and Informed Opinions is thrilled to be collaborating with the university and its researchers.

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